
Rayons X pour le traitement chiropratique à San Antonio |PuraVida

Los quiroprácticos toman radiografías para obtener información detallada sobre la estructura ósea y la alineación de la columna vertebral y otras articulaciones. Las radiografías son una herramienta importante para ayudar a los quiroprácticos a diagnosticar problemas musculoesqueléticos y determinar el mejor plan de tratamiento para cada paciente. Las radiografías pueden proporcionar información sobre la alineación […]

Hernia Hiatal y la Quiropráctica

Hernia Hiatal Y La Quiropráctica | Pura Vida Chiropractic

La hernia hiatal es una condición en la cual una porción del estómago se desliza hacia arriba a través del diafragma y se asienta en el tórax, causando síntomas como acidez estomacal y reflujo gastroesofágico. La técnica de reflejo manipulativo quiropráctico (CMRT) es una técnica de quiropráctica que se enfoca en la manipulación de puntos […]

San Antonio Chiropractor Car Accident

Car Accident Chiropractor Care in San Antonio, TX | Pura Vida

Chiropractic care can help you if you have been involved in a car accident. A San Antonio Chiropractor car accident victim can be evaluated and receive the care they need.

How Does Chiropractic Help With Kids With Chronic Ear Infections?

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) over 80 percent of children will have an ear infection before the age of three. Ear infections are one of the most common aliments in kids. As proactive parents we want the best for our kids so it’s important that we understand exactly what causes ear infections […]

Asthma and Chiropractic

Chiropractic Treatment for Asthma in San Antonio, TX | Pura Vida

Asthma is a chronic disease marked by inflammation and narrowing of the airways of the lungs, resulting in the symptoms of wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and coughing. The effects of asthma can range from mild discomfort, to severe difficulty breathing, to death from respiratory failure in extreme cases. More than 20 million Americans […]

Trigeminal Neuralgia and Chiropractic

Trigeminal Neuralgia & Chiropractic San Antonio, TX | Pura Vida

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) is a very painful condition where the Trigeminal cranial nerve or cranial nerve #5 becomes entrapped or demyelinated. When the nerve becomes trapped it is usually due to inflammation or blockage. Demyelination occurs when the nerve either becomes infected or compressed. Demyelination is when a nerve starts to lose its nerve transmission. […]

Tongue-Tie and Chiropractic

Chiropractic Treatment for Tongue Tie San Antonio, TX | Pura Vida

What every parent needs to know about Tongue-Tie and Chiropractic Tongue-tie or its medical term ankyloglossia is a condition where someone is born with a shorter, thick, or tight band of connective tissue at the base of the tongue or the floor of the mouth which restricts the movement of the tongue. The limitation of […]

Neck Pain and Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain in San Antonio, TX | Pura Vida

A pilot study published in the December 2005 scientific journal, Clinical Chiropractic, from the European association, The College of Chiropractors, showed that chiropractic helped subjects in the study with neck pain.  The study starts off by noting how common neck pain is by pointing out that more than 70% of people in the developed world […]

A Doctor’s perspective on TMJ

TMJ & Chiropractic | A Definitive Guide | Pura Vida Chiropractic

Over the past year I have experienced a lot of dental issues and suffered from TMJ. As a result I would like to compile all of my experiences here so that you can have a definitive guide to treating your TMJ successfully. The most important thing to remember is that TMJ is different for everyone. […]

Mi Batalla En Esta Crisis Económica

Mi Batalla En Esta Crisis Económica | Pura Vida Chiropractic

Mi nombre es Dr. Dan Foss y soy Doctor en Quiropráctica. Cuando tenía 7 años, estando en la escuela, sufrí un accidente leve en mi cuello y me diagnosticaron una tortícolis. La enfermera de la escuela me mando a un médico general que me receto un relajante muscular con varios efectos secundarios. Mi madre que […]

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